Personal issues.

Fonts are kinda messed up, this translation has quite a few mistakes and there are still lines with chinese text that need to be checked containing words that I still do not know, will update as soon as I can to fix this up, but it might be a few weeks due to family emergency.

Scattered unenthusiastic applause was heard.

The people that clap are also other Persona students like Ryugamine.They are Magicion, Necromancer and Dragon. The other person is a monk/priest.(undecided) According to others, the amount of Persona’s is higher than others, could this be the effect of the Maou? Because that group of people have an existence, that don’t have distinctive relationships unlike the Hero and the Maou, so within this world, there are no enemies, nor are there allies.

Eh, that is … The next thing is, I want to also decide on the position of vice class president …”

Decker-sensei sneaked another look across us.

Is there anyone who wishes…No other volunteers?”

It is a fact. No one raises their hand up.


At the moment the teacher’s sight sweeps over them, students slide out of the line of sight. Even the persona’s, there is no one willing to become the Maou’s underling. I – I also don’t want to. I have already decided to refuse. The reason? Going all the way, it is because of my relationship with Tsubasa. If Ryugamine is the class president, the vice president will be put into the same corner has her, continuing on, I would becomes Tsubasa’s only target. I am certain to meet calamity …I can only think of that, I become unable to control my shivering.


After saying that, 老師又楠上一句 “You want to do it”. Saying those words towards us……雖然我也沒資格批評別人, but saying those kinds of words is too mcuh. Aren’t you the teacher? 話也未免露骨.

Continuing on, Sensei claps her hands, as though having come up with an idea.


Even so, one of us need to volunteer. Even if you are not very open to the idea, there must be someone who went to the same middle school right? If it is needed, you can nominate a person based on their past impressions, that is good.”

老師再度舉目四顧, 可是這一回豈止轉移視線而已, students in comparison to earlier directly look away. 甚至還有人一像是昏倒似, 個人大大地在書. That person is Kimura.


The result is not strange – this time nobody raises their hand. That is guaranteed. If you nominate someone, that person would hold a grudge, if unable to push the nominee through, it will be pushed back to you.

Because of that. The one to take up the position is decided by the teacher.

However, the teacher should pick from the group of Personas. If it is not done like that, the class president and vice class president will have no way of communicate. If they are unable to communicate, 特地出一正一就沒有意.


老師大概也不想被怨恨吧. But, I think it will not be done like that. Even so, the teacher is on our side, they are also a normal person. Saying that in another way, personas, even when pointed at, they would not feel embarrassed about it.

There is nobody wishing to volunteer?”


She once again asked to make sure, expectedly, nobody put up their hands. This time, 老師總算死心地了口氣. In the end, 這時然有像是煩惱到最後一, 終於忍住採取行動的手, in front of my eyes, a hand is raised. It is Ouka Ryugamine’s.

Ryugamine-san? That’s it! It’s like that. If the class president is willing to nominate someone, there really is nothing better. You should give a nomination, is that alright? I see, it is decided, you can pick whoever you want. Ah, that’s right, that’s how it will be done.”

Decker-sensei placed both her hands in a criss-cross shape over her chest. While speaking, she nods her head several times. Every time she nods, 她過於豐滿胸部就跟著劇烈晃, 讓人眼睛知往哪兒看才好…拜託稍微顧慮一下別人吧!男生們拚命傾偷看了Including me!

然而, 至少對我而, 興奮的感覺也不過是短短的一瞬間.

Ouka Ryugamine用一彷彿宣告天上地下獨尊, 緩緩, 將剩下高的手握拳, 然後一邊扭轉半身, 同時動手, 像是把手要過來我的方.

Eh? What? What just happened?

My vice class president… I hope it will be taken up by this person!”

Ah? What?”

Inside the classroom, no matter if it was a normal person or a persona, 大家不分彼此、議論紛紛景象, 種意, 簡直就是一. But, 只有我一個人無法把話話中的意在一起, 只能目轉睛望著Ryugamine充滿光澤.


“Afterwards, it is possible for it to become very painful and bitter, but you need to put more effort and bear through it.”

這裡是教職員室. Decker-senseisat at 有扶手的椅子上, 用一臉附體妖魔已經完全被趕走的輕鬆神情如此說道. Unfortunately sensei, the expression in your words are not very sincere!


During the moment I let out a sigh, 想把頭髮往上撥時, Decker-sensei’s reaction was as if I had just raised my hands, 她頓時全身僵硬, 整個人連同椅子一起往後退. 椅背撞到鄰座老師堆積如山的書本一角后,

“Ah! Ah!”

還不及阻止, 雪崩發生了.


“…This is not my fault.”

我一搶先撇清關係, 波霸老師立刻就瞪了我一眼, 不過她很快又一臉沮喪地嘆了口氣. 往下垂的兩道眉毛簡直就快掉下來了.

“I understand…unfortunately, don’t you feel that the one who is in the wrong is Nakamura-sensei? Oy, you also saw it yourself.”


“Nakamura-sensei’s desk should只到這裡為止喔. Unfortunately his stuff was so much that it overflowed over the edge, 管我怎麼跟他說, 他都不肯改善!而且還堆得這麼高……會垮下來是理所當然的, 你說對吧?你不覺得, 就算我沒有撞到, 那堆東西也一樣會倒下來嗎?”


“What I said it correct then!”

波霸老師像是得到百萬支持者似地, 表情整個都亮了起來. 抱歉, 老師. 我的確也覺得這是侵犯領土的行為, 但是就算我對中村老師說了什麼, 也不會有任何幫助. 區區一介學生的意見就是這麼卑微.

The main point is not like that.

“Teacher, I cannot do it.”

我直截了當地切入主題. 波霸老師露出驚訝的表情, 不過就算問是什麼事, 老師似乎也明白我的是什麼. 她嘆了口氣, 喃喃地說了句”說得也是”.

“I don’t want to; why does Ryugamine have to point to me, but I think I do not have the qualifications for this. In truth, those people do not even see me on the same level.”

老師沉吟一聲, 接著像是突然想起什麼地, 開口駁回我的話:

“Unfortunately, Satou-san, haven’t you already been recognised by Tsubasa Hikarigaoka-san? 她直呼你名字這件事, 在教職員室里也引起了一陣討論喔!”

Who spread that!

“The… the matter is like that, but that is because we are childhood friends, 從她的正義感覺醒之前就認識了 … Ryugamine is not the same.”

“Umm … what we can say is, we want you to think of some idea, however – “

Please carefully think it over!

“But, looking at the matter from the school’s viewpoint, 你的那份經歷相當吸引人, therefore I feel that leaving this type of matter and arranging for you to take up the position is the right action to take.”


“Think about it yourself. The Hero and the Maou are opposing existences, 不過只要從中間摺疊起來, 兩方的立足位置就會變得相同, is that wrong? So, if 由跟勇者認識許久的你來輔助Ryugamine-san, the school would be more relaxed compared to before(tl check: 較).”

“What is following what!”

“I-it isn’t me. The lifestyle guidance teachers like the deputy principal said so and because I haven’t been here long, my position is weak and so I can’t oppose this…”

How is this related to me! I only just this year during spring entered this school!

“The situation is just like that, I’m pleading with you!”

Decker-sensei was bowing her head as if praying until I stopped her with my hand. This was considerably awkward. All the other teachers could see!

“Ah ~ that’s the truth!”

I must stand strong! The teacher raised her head at the sound of my voice. She gave me a warm and relieving look implying she understood.


“嗯, what’s the matter!”

“I object!”

老師的表情頓時變得像是被無形的手, 狠狠地打了一巴掌似的. 但是, 我不能退讓. 光勇者就夠我頭大了, 我哪能再照顧一個魔王啊!

儘管我做了諸多抵抗, 但那一切終究是毫無意義.

It is guaranteed that.

我既非毛遂自薦, 也不是受人推薦, 而是被自行提名成為班長的學生定選出來的. 要是可以拒絕定, 幹部名單就永遠都定不下來. 說到不想接苦差事, 每個人的心態其實都一樣.

In the end, it is decided that Ouka Ryugamine is the class president, after becoming the vice class president, 其他的幹部也總算跟著定下來了.

“This is about that matter?”

果然不出所料. 隔天的午休時間一到, Tsubasa就難得完全無視Kimura and Saitou, 只看著我一人冷冷地如此逼問.

“You already fallen enough to become the Maou’s subordinate?”

I have not been made the subordinate of the Maou, 更別說什麼淪落. Back to the point, where did you hear that from? Your information source is fast.

“…No way to refute ah. Ryugamine volunteered herself, I was chosen directly by her. In fact, there was no one else in the class willing to nominate themselves-”

I, directed towards Kimura and Saitou, 兩人立刻就把視線移開.

“And so there is no way of thinking through that matter.”

“Is it like that?”

Tsubasa folder her arms in front of her chest and snorted in laughter


“You take the Maou too lightly. No way of getting past it? Ha! 那才不是真的無計可施, it is going as she will it changing the situation! It is like that guaranteed! This is definitely part of her 人類殲滅計劃!”

“You are talking about the matter of class president?”

After hearing me ask that, Tsubasa deeply scrunched up her face.

“Wrong, I am talking about the matter of you being vice class president! Listen up,”

Tsubasa used a finger to point at the tip of my nose.

“You need to face up, 魔王隨時隨地都在策畫著要殲滅人類. Because, that is the nature of the Maou’s 業障.”

“Could it possibly be – “

我原想一笑置之, 但Tsubasa的手如劍般阻止了我.

“It’s the truth. Just like the sword I carry on my back. They have a – Maou type character!”


Still a bit more to go in this chapter.

Partway through this translation, it is currently the break in the DOTA2  internationals before the main event so gonna try and translate as much.


I stand up, take a deep breath.

“Since she is the only nominee, shouldn’t it be decided then?”

Clearly, I stated that.

Everyone’s reaction was expected.

The teacher’s expression changed to that of someone about to cry, from the students came murmers of discontent, worried noises. Amongst those are noises of people blaming me. I put on a smiling face, looking at those blaming me, I continue by asking:

“Why don’t you take up the job?”

Clearly, I truly said that out with my own mouth.

The classrooms atmosphere suddenly changed to one that frosted over with a thin layer of ice as tension filled the place. Uwah, I began to get goose bumps. It’s the truth, why would I do such a stupid thing? After all, I am only an ordinary student, yet the environment has changed to become difficult.

Whatever, there is nothing I can do about that matter.

Who told me to make my character this way.

I wish I could act more appropriately at the right times – but I am unable to do so. There is no way for me to give up on my character.

So everytime I meet that kind of situation, I become unable to stop myself, unable to recognise myself as a normal person – as though caught in a net, catching a school of fishes that is uniform like villagers, yet unable to suppress myself from doing that kind of thing. It is our shield and armour. If we throw it away we will get hurt. However, even if I understand that point, if placed in that kind of situation … I become unable to control myself.

Simply as a 《Villager》, I cannot bear such a simple matter.

For what reason is that? Could it possibly have been an influence from being with the Hero for so long, so we have been ffected in an unknown way? After all, that girl’s sense of justice is not just for fun.

I have said that which I wanted to say.

Even if I feel that I have done something stupid, I will not feel any sort of regret, nor will I regret this.

By the time I noticed, Maou – Ouka Ryugamine had already turned around, looked at me with her face turned partway. Her clean face was expressionless. I do not feel that this is a shame. No, truthfully speaking, it is regretful. But whatever, originially I had not said that because of her, I simply could not bear myself.

But –

“-Ah, I also agree.”

An aid appeared. Seeing the teacher let out a “Saitou, you also agree?” type of emotion, Saitou assuredly nodded his head.

“Throughout all of government middle school, I was constantly in the same class as Ryugamine, She became the class president during first year, the classrooms atmosphere was very calm, even compared to other classes, it was better. Umm, how should I put this? I think there was nobody brave enough to bring about the Maou trouble to the grade, nor was there anyone brave enough to oppose the Maou class president type of situation.”

“So the fact is like that.” Big breasted teacher muttered to herself.

The whole class fell into a moment of unease.

However, I can explain the reasoning behind his phrase. Because I have also had a similar situation in the past. Even if the one was the Hero, not the Maou, but I previously during middle high can say that the reason is is the same, a continuous state of peacefulness. Saying so, there is absolutely no problem, the one sole person responsible for causing problems was Tsubasa, everyone else was very nice, and the school was extremely quiet. It can be said, it is because everyone was afraid of meeting their end in a disappearance due to the Hero, also the Hero made it seem like this was a possibility. And so, I completely understand why Saitou believes the Maou should become the class president, everyone now will also think carefully.

The teacher looks around the class.

“Ah … That is … Since there are no more nominees, are we to trouble Ryugamine-san with the position of the class president, ah …”

In the end, while speaking, the teacher looked for signs of rebellion, but she already knew from early on there would be no rejections. The inside of the classroom was noiseless like the flat waves in a lake, so quiet that there wasn’t even a coughing noise to break the silence, everyone silently accepted the teacher’s words. Deep was that matter. Even if people think, by simply not opening their mouths, the situation will become like this.

“And so…the position of class president is to be given to Ryugamine san.”

Scattered unenthusiastic applause was heard.



Well, a bit more of the next part

I have just finished a papercraft project that I will probs upload onto my deviantart later, but that is why this time’s translation is a bit short, will tl a bit more later this week, hopefully the image editor should be done by this weekend and the images should be uploaded.


cover v3


well he managed to change the cover. Can’t seem to locate our contents page that we needed though.


If Tsubasa and I are in the same class, she would already have automatically volunteered herself. However, the one that won would be guaranteed to be her.

It would become a Hero versus Maou battle, those that are not familiar with Tsubasa will most likely vote for her; even those that are close to her, will want to vote for her for fear of letting the Maou control the whole class. However, I know very well the things that Tsubasa does to me alone.

Even so, Tsubasa is not here.

“There really are no more nominees?”

It seems as though every student turned their faces away, letting their head face down, pretend as though they do not see the teacher’s pleading eyes. From the way the teacher spoke, if no one felt the need to nominate themselves, she would talk a person into feeling like they needed to nominate themselves anyway.

Uh … not only that, something is not right.

After all, Ryugamine has already nominated herself. Even if I know why the teacher has a wsih for the Maou not to be the class representative, you can’t just throw people aside uncarringly. That is just beyond reason.

Ah, the more I think about it, the more unhappy I become.

About individual personality, it should be said that it comes to you. The result is the same as when it was with Tsubasa previously, because she had too strong a personality, there was a need to suppress her, that sort of doing really causes people to become angry. (TL Note: this will need retranslation as the chinese may have had typos here.)


Since it’s like that, I am unable to control my emotions and raised up my hand.

As a result, there is only the reault of big boobed teacher quite directly letting out a breath of air. Her originally straight shoulders fell down, both her eyebrows also relaxed. And so, from the teacher relaxing her body, the front of her slothes became loose, allowing us to sneak glances at the dip between her breats, I tried my hardest to not look in that direction. It is as if going from an outside winter temperature into a warm room and letting out a relaxing air, the students all let out that sort of sound.


Very regretfully, the matter is not what you want it to be.
